Rev. Nandkishore Sunil Gowrie

Rev. Nandkishore Sunil Gowrie

Elder-Director of Missions



Rev. Nandkishore Sunil Gowrie

Reverend Nandkishore Sunil Gowrie accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour at the age of fourteen. As a youth, he fellowshipped and served as a gifted worship leader as well as a youth leader at the Princes Town Open Bible Church.

While there, he answered the call of God upon his life, and in 1996, he graduated from the Open Bible Institute of Theology. His passion for the Word of God has also led him to obtain a BSc in Christian Ministry.

Since accepting the call to ministry, Rev. Gowrie has pastored the Rousillac Open Bible Church for approximately fifteen years and currently serves as the Senior Pastor of the Point Fortin Open Bible Church for the past six years. He also holds the positions of District Superintendent of Region 1 District E, board member of the Institute of Theology by Extension, and Elder-Director of Missions. 

Rev. Gowrie has been happily married to Stacy Gowrie for the past twenty-five years. Out of this union, they have birthed three children: Shemuel, Lemuel, and Christa Anna. As a family, they serve in various ministries together.

His passion for souls, the Word, and missions is evident, and to date, he has visited over thirty-five nations of the world, sharing the Gospel through crusades and conferences focusing on fulfilling the great commission.

About the Role of the Elder-Director of Missions

The Elder-Director of Missions supervises and promotes the work of Local Evangelism and Foreign Missions (LEFM).

He is a resource person to the local churches providing information pertinent to evangelism, church planting and church growth through seminars, conferences, workshops, and resource material.

The Elder-Director of Missions keeps constituents informed of the personal welfare, activities and needs of its missionaries, through church visitation, quarterly reports and publications; and is accountable to the National Board.